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Fayetteville, North Carolina Reviews

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Would Recommend Veterans United to Friends and Family

4.8 out of 5

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5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
4.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Solibel Ramos is a great lending officer

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

My interaction with VU had been 5 star! The ease of communication and speed of document exchange in buying our home was wonderful!

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Easy experience and pretty easy directions to follow.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

It was easy as 123. Didn't had any problem

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Solibel Ramos was very helpful and always able to be reached, which, allowed me to wrap up any loose ends and close in a very timely manner. Thanks again to Solibel for her hard work.

4 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Solibel was a life saver. I didn't know what to do something but she was right there for me to think it all though together. I really appreciate it. Great job.

3.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Already have recommended Veterans United Home Loans to others

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

I have already recommended Veterans United to a newlywed couple. Solibel Ramos was absolutely outstanding. She was always available and kept me up to date on the loan process.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Daniels was on top of everything from start to finish. All of her information was prompt and I was constantly kept up to date. I was pre-approved for a home loan within an hour of our first conversation.

4.5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

mrs ramos was very courteous, pleasant and upbeat. i was extremely happy with the way she handled the processing of my home loan.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Professional friendly place.

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5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

Outstanding experience overall. Very happy.

5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

The process was easy and worry-free

4 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend
5 out of 5 Stars
Would Recommend

My experience was awesome. My specialist was very informative and knowledgable about the process and made things very simple and easy. Couldn't have been better!

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See all 1,277 unedited, unfiltered reviews from Veterans United customers who completed our post-closing satisfaction survey between January 2013 and today.

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